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AukioloajatOpening hours

You can find the opening hours for all Tykkimäki parks below.

Tykkimäki Amusement Park opens on May 17, 2025!


Sat–Sun 11–19
Mon–Fri closed

Exception days
Wed–Thu 21.–22.5.11–17
Tue–Wed 27.–28.5.11–17
Thu 29.5. 11–19


Mon–Sun 11–19

Exception days
Sat 19.7. 11-23
Thu 7.8. 15–20
Fri 8.8. 15–20

Note! During the summer concert days in July, the amusement park area is open every Thursday until 9 pm. Amusement park equipment and most services close at 7 pm.


Sat 16.8. 11–19
Sun 17.8. 11–19
Sat 23.8. 11–21
Sun 24.8. 11–19
Sat 30.8. 11–22 End of season

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Welcome to Aquapark starting June 7, 2025!


Mon–Sun 11–19

Exception days
Thu 7.8.2025 15–20
Fri 8.8.2025 15–20


Sat–Sun 11–19
Mon–Fri closed

Exception days
Fri 22.8.2025 15–20

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Actionpark is open all year round!

Normal opening hours for spring 2025

Tue–Fri 13–20
Sat 10–19
Sun 10–18
Mon closed

holiday weeks 17.2.–2.3.2025

Mon–Fri 11–20
Sat 10–19
Sun 10–18

Exception days
18.4. 10–18 Good Friday
21.4. 10–18 Easter Monday
1.5. 10–18 First of May
29.5. 10–18 Ascension Day

Summer opening hours 1.6.–6.8.2025

Mon–Sun 11–19

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Wristbands and tickets

Price list

How do I get to Tykkimäki?

Getting to Tykkimäki is easy by car and public transport. The amusement park and water park offer large free-of-charge parking areas, and the amusement park, Aquapark and brand new Tykkimäki Resort are within easy walking distance of each other.

